About The Eco Grove

About the team behind the dream

The Eco Grove Project is full of amazing people who are passionate about the eco system for our future. I really wanted this project to be about regular people making a difference and something that any grower could adopt.

Gabriele, the grounds manager (and olive tree expert…. seriously, makes me look like I know NOTHING!), is my secret weapon! I call him my personal spiderman. He has been a wealth of knowledge that I have dipped into many many a time to resurrect my olive grove and be able to start converting it to a carbon negative producer.

It’s about people!

We employ locals and will give anyone a go for any position we have. Having an Eco Grove and helping to save the planet is pointless if you also are not looing after the people. Surely that’s why you do it? We have all ranges from 18 to 80! Some help with the trees and some help with the lunch.

One thing in common, is that we all want to do our bit to make a difference. We can’t change the world, but we can do our bit here. A proof of concept for a carbon negative, tree to table model that all olive oil producers could adopt.

Then of course there is me

A quick intro? I am kiwi (someone from New Zealand) living in Tuscany & the UK. Really do travel between the two. Although I lean more to Tuscany. I love everything olive tree/oil and Tuscany. I have a lovely wife (who supports my madness) and an amazing 3-year-old son who was the total inspiration for the Eco Grove Project.

I have to confess, before my son came along, I thought about the planet. Recycling, keeping plastics down etc. I was doing enough to make myself feel good. But after my son was born, I realised I was doing the bare minimum. I had to do more to protect his future. I couldn’t change the planet; I am one guy. BUT I can change the sector I have chosen. Considering olive trees are one of the biggest carbon sinks ON THE PLANET, there had to be a way to make it carbon negative from tree to table.

So, I got to work. The olive grove is my own project, and I WILL build a model that others can use also. My business is the UK is going carbon neutral, and the villa is also going carbon negative and regenerative. The future belongs to my son and his generation. I will do my bit…will you?

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